Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Political Activism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political Activism - Assignment Example This will see the current policy of the Canada revenue agency (CRA) that relate to political activities conduct by registered charities remaining unchanged. The changes arising from the Budget 2012 should not be left to deter the registered charities from engaging in political activities. Charities should get involved or continue to participate in the political activities so long as they pursue the rules applicable. The charities should as well document all their political activities involvement. There have been allegations against environmental charities in their use of donations that are claimed to be received from foreign sources. A group of politicians specifically, has raised questions concerning the foreign funding appropriateness on environmental charities in Canada, whether the funds in question were useful in lobbying the government. For instance, of significance is the initiated Senate inquiry by Senator Nicole Eaton on February 2012, based upon the claims by the Senator th at such funding were influencing policy discussions improperly in the country. This was presumed with regards to government projects like the Northern Gateway pipeline. There was no credibility in such accusations in that, the charitable sector has quite a number of segments in Canada, and each year these segments receive a large scale funding from foreign sources. Such includes hospitals, universities and religious organizations, and the federal government has not made any allegations that the funding could be used in support of a political activity. Noting the strategy of counter terrorism by the federal government released on February 2012 is so crucial since it equated white supremacy environmentalism and terrorist activities in the city of Oklahoma in 1995 (Carter & Claridge, 54). As a result of this strategy and other kinds of attacks on environmental charities, the charities have created a force to enable them engage in political activities (Carter & Man, 47). However, the ab ility of charities to get involved in political activities has not been impacted by Budget2012, through the implementation of its legislation. Engaging in alternative community services could be more effective in addressing this issue. For instance, all registered charities are needed by law to have charitable purposes that are beneficial to a community such as poverty relief, promotion of advanced education and religion, and promoting of health care for the communities. The policy statement of the CRA on political activities, CPS-022, the activities by registered charities can be categorized into three as political activity, charitable activity or prohibited activity. An activity considered charitable is normally permitted without any limit. For example, communicating with public through a charity on the issue that relates to the purposes of the charity can be, under certain circumstances, be a charitable activity. However, the sort of communication has to satisfy the following req uirements: 1. Relate to and subordinate to the charitable purposes of the charity. 2. Reasoned well. 3. Does not contain inaccurate, false, or misleading information. Involving in charitable activities in a political platform

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Career Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Career Research Paper - Essay Example The conductor is the most important person in an orchestra even when they do not play any instrument at all. The most basic job for a conductor is to indicate to other members of the orchestra the beat of the music they should be playing at. The conductor does this using a long stick called a baton, which assist the conductor make the desired beat as clear as possible. As the song goes on, the conductor’s role is to move the baton towards several imaginary points indicating the beat in the bar the orchestra is currently playing. A conductor communicates with the other musicians verbally during rehearsal while during performance, different movements, gestures, and facial expressions indicate the conductor’s requirements (Wittry 61). The conductors work does not end with indicating the kind of beat the music should be played. The conductor has other roles in the orchestra such as the rehearsal and preparation of the orchestra for performance. The conductor also makes inte rpretative decisions concerning some aspects of the performance that includes whether some passages should be fast, smooth, slow, soft, aggressive, or loud. Further, the conductor in an orchestra knows the best way for all the players to play their instruments efficiently in addition to creating mood, atmosphere, and interpretation, which matches the conductor’s vision of the performed piece. Although in reality the conductor does not play any of the instruments during the performance, the orchestra as a whole is the conductor’s instrument (Mick 9). The compensation and working conditions in symphony orchestra is also attractive due to the potential it has for a stable career in addition to excellent job security, salary and other benefits. Douglas Yeo claims, â€Å"The base scale pay for performers in American cities such as Boston, New York, Chicago, Cleveland, and Philadelphia is roughly $2000 a week on the lower scale†. Performers of these orchestras are off ered up to ten weeks paid holiday, sick leave, full dental and medical insurance coverage in addition to entitlement to pension after a thirty-year career. A performer cannot be dismissed before determination by an arbitration panel, which is usually composed of peer members of the orchestra. Just like any other career taking symphony orchestra as an occupation whether as a player or a conductor has its challenges as seen from news about bankruptcy, strikes and lose of conductors (Eatock 273). A good salary and satisfied life in music notwithstanding, many artists in symphony orchestra become cynical and jaded since the profession does not recognize individuals but the whole group as a whole. For one to be satisfied with life in this industry one has to appreciate achievements made as a group and not to seek individual recognition. Yeo particularly singles out mandatory deductions made by unions claiming it can have negative influence that goes past the average 3% per week work dues deducted from a player’s income. Activism in the union is sometimes frustrating where players are denied the chance to make their own decisions by forcing them abide by those made by the union. However, happiness is an individual choice; one can decide whether to focus on the positive or negative aspects of a career in symphony orchestra. The other challenging aspect of a career as a conductor of symphony orchestra is the demanding nature of the work. There is a need for players to be in