First day of college essay
Method Of Essay Writing
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
jurassic park :: essays research papers
Cycle Seven and Epilog Summary      Malcolm and Hammond take part in a contention. Hammond is calmed that the creatures didn't get free and overwhelm the world. Malcolm says that the world can't be wrecked. It will consistently endure whatever debacles occur. The recreation center appear to be at long last to have been managed. There are currently less creatures, since some have been executed by different creatures. Since the wall were down for such a long time, all the creatures have blended. Award and Muldoon choose to look for the creature homes, particularly the raptor homes. They need to represent each creature conceived on the island before they let the Costa Rican National Guard pulverize the whole spot. Award clarifies the secret of how the dinosaurs had the option to raise. Under specific conditions frogs can change sex, and the dinosaurs all have frog DNA.      Malcolm is going into a state of insensibility, and Hammond faults everyones else for the disappointments of the recreation center. Hammond is met by an adolescent tyrannosaur. He attempts to flee, yet tumbles down in a stream. Apparently he broke his lower leg. Ellie and Gennaro join award in the dinosaur home and take cover behind some containers. They see two grown-up raptors and a few infants. Award infers that there are thirty-four raptors have been conceived. Ellie sees theat when the raptors stop they all face a specific heading. She feels that it is a custom. Award imagines that it is a type of correspondence.      Hammond attempts to climb the slope. He is worn out, bleary eyed, and in torment. He sees some compys drawing nearer. He takes a stab at perplexing rocks at them to ward them, which just works for some time. The compys before long assault him, harming him with their nibbles. Hammond feels loose and quiet when he bites the dust. Award and the others watch the raptors on the edge of a marsh, close to the sea shore that watches out onto the Pacific Ocean. They are completely arranged together, featuring south. A boat shows up from the south and the creatures watch it. Award sees how they all act as a gathering, and concludes that they are composed around a matriarchal hierarchy. He presumes that they are featuring at the sea since they need to relocate.      Grant, Ellie and Gennaro are gotten by a helicopter.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
University of Phoenix Material Essays (404 words) - Education
College of Phoenix Material Essays (404 words) - Education College of Phoenix Material Phases of Critical Thinking Section 1: Stages of Critical Thinking Complete the framework by distinguishing the four starting phases of basic thinking as nitty gritty in Critical Thinking. |Stages of basic |Stage depiction | |thinking | |The Unreflective |These are the scholars that are essentially | |Thinker |unaware of the job of speculation in their | | |lives and of potential issues with their | | |own thinking. Generally these masterminds might be | | |educated, they will in general be not able to determine | | |problems in deduction or find new systems | | |to take care of issues. | |The Challenged Thinker|A tested mastermind has gotten mindful of the | | |role thinking plays in their lives. They have| | |an comprehension of the fundamental components of | | |reasoning. They may think they have critical| | |thinking aptitudes, yet they may not perceive | | |that they apply these basic reasoning | | |skills in their lives, and making it intense | | |for them to improve their reasoning abilities.| |The Beginning Thinker |The apprentice scholar understands that they | | |sometimes experience extreme occasions in their | | |reasoning or critical thinking; and they take | | |great measures to screen and improve their | | |thinking. | |The Practicing Thinker|Theses masterminds comprehend that the human | | |mind will in general act naturally double dealing, and they | | |attempt to evaluate and scrutinize their own | | |conclusions, convictions, and suppositions. | Section 2: Your Thinking Compose a 75-to 150-word clarification of your present degree of basic thinking advancement, and clarify why you set yourself at that stage. I trust I am a rehearsing basic mastermind, since I don't generally think basically and do need to frequently help myself to remember the propensities that I have to change with regards to deduction. I am excitedly striving to change my negative intuition propensities into positive reasoning propensities. I tend to hesitate frequently and complete work at last with everything that I do. I perceive that I do have commendable propensities and I do my best to apply them when comprehending issues. I am an individual, who is apprehensive change, and I do understand the requirement for change in my life and in the way I issue tackle. It is a fight to break down the entirety of the data and choices accessible to me before tackling issues and I some of the time attempt to take the least demanding course. I comprehend I have individual issues to take a shot at to the extent my own convictions and thinking, however I improve my reasoning.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Leadership Training Institute
Leadership Training Institute One of the things that I try to do here is to write a little bit about all the activities/groups that Im involved in at MIT. However, since I seem to always be falling behind in my classes and getting royally owned by incomprehensible orgo mechanisms and whether EMS produces a G to A mutation or a C to A mutation, Ill let someone else tell the story this time :) This is a guest blog from Jia 11, whos the Public Relations Director of LTI (Leadership Training Institute) which Ive also been involved in actually just starting from this semester. Im the Expansion Director for LTI (pretty much the guy that facilitates LTI International like spreading LTI to Mexico), and one of the reasons I joined is that Ive always thought that this organization contained an excellent vision. LTI seeks to introduce the concept of leadership to high school students and to empower them to be effective leaders capable of making a difference. An interesting parallel is that actually MIT also places a huge focus on student leadership and provides many opportunities for students to explore leadership (FLP!, Leadershape, and iHouse! =p). By teaching leadership, college students also get a further understanding of what it actually means by working with these younger students. Its an interesting concept, and I feel like LTI had really blossomed over the last 2 years since its founding. Meh, Ive talked too much, so Ill let Jia take over. :) - Hey! I’m Jia Zhu, a sophomore biology major at MIT. Although my year and a half at MIT has been eventful to say the least, one particular part of my MIT experience has defined my views about service and leadership in a developing world, LTI. Hi Everyone, this is Jia. Jia, this is Everyone. MIT’s Leadership Training Institute is a student-run leadership and service program for Boston-area high school students. The mentoring program has since expanded into Mexico and China and looking to expand into El Salvador, Brazil, and South Africa. I started in LTI as a mentor my freshman year. At the mentor training/bonding sessions before the spring program, the new members had to participate in numerous icebreakers and team building games. I remember how red my face became after I choose to perform a much botched up version of the robot in front of everyone. The program helped me discover that inspiration comes from unexpected places, such as a crazy dance icebreaker. I had the time of my life getting to know other motivated and passionate students who truly wanted to make a difference. When the actual mentoring program started in the spring, I met the most diverse and inspiring young adults. Although I was technically the mentor, I learned equally if not more from the students in the program. Communication, understanding, career development, leadership styles, international development, and a long-term sustainable community service project are just some of the lessons taught in the LTI curriculum. During one session, mentors developed an exaggerated comical skit to showcase how to not interview. The students mimicked a rebellion during a hunger lunch in which half of the students were given dirty water and rice and the other half were given a three-course meal. For a final project, a pair of students organized a volunteer team to eradicate graffiti in the Revere community. Most memorably, the mentors, executive board, and students of LTI developed a community on the basis of leadership, friendship, and service. Last spring, I helped a student who wanted to make a difference in his community write and direct a play to combat drug and violence in his neighborhood. I learned how to relate and communicate about topics completely foreign to me. I learned that to truly inspire others, I may just have to show everyone just “how I get down.†LTI’s curriculum combines self-reflection, service initiatives, and often crazy games to develop the leadership qualities that can create future leaders and sustainable service projects. I helped make one student’s vision a reality in the hopes that his success will motivate others in his community to continue the “Pay it Forward†service initiative. All of us want to change the world, and we all realized that there’s no better way to start than to help one devoted person at a time develop his or her vision. Here’s a LTI student blog entry from a high school student who is currently in the spring 2009 program: “My favorite part of LTI was probably when I caught a real egg with a pair of tongs. I cant catch a ball with two hands, so I felt pretty sweet when I managed to save myself from having to be covered in egg yolks for the rest of the day. Ive enjoyed learning about everyone and their experiences, methods of coping with problems, and overall outlook on life…I have grown so much from LTI. I like thinking about my future in a less stiff manner now. Before the program began, I was set on certain jobs, but now I see that I can take the studies Im interested in to different types of levels. Ive actually learned that this type of field can be integrated into leadership and helping others.†Although we all often get lost in the craziness of MIT, LTI has helped me relax every once in a while and realize why we are all here. We’re here to acquire the knowledge and skills to make a difference in our community, nation, and possibly the world. This program has definitely helped me make a head start on that process. If you want to learn more about our work and opportunities within LTI, come check us out at CPW in two days! See you there :) Build Your Own Sundae! THIS THURSDAY, April 16, 5:00-6:00 PM! Room 4-146 Build your own giant ice cream sundae with MITs Leadership Training Institute! Come learn about community service and our mentoring program with local area high school students. Explore international service opportunities in Mexico, China, and South Africa!Further Reading: Main LTI Blog When LTI sent a team to Mexico (this was over last IAP really interesting read!) Kids working with Picocrickets in Mexico. Leadership Training Institute [by YeSeul Kim 10 and Anne Shen 11] Hello there MIT hopefuls and acceptees! YeSeul Last year, I founded a really cool organization called the Leadership Training Institute (LTI). In high school, I was involved in a similar leadership program. What I appreciated the most was the opportunity to receive guidance and support from great role models, and I wanted to show the same generosity and kindness to others in helping them overcome their obstacles and accomplish their dreams. Humbled, I made it my mission to return the favor but knew that I could not do it alone. I wished to create a program to educate students on the significance of leadership in all aspects of life be it social, academic, technological and relay the concepts of leadership through an interactive curriculum. LTI was thus uniquely designed to empower students to cascade this act of giving. Anne Its true. Of all the leadership roles I took in high school, few ever entailed passing my own experiences on and developing others leadership potentials. Most of the activities I was involved with were along the lines of building houses, playing music at nursing homes, tearing up the soccer field; stuff like that. It was really exciting and indeed made a difference in my own and in other peoples lives. It wasnt until I joined LTI, though, that I realized how much more directly we could contribute to our community by impacting our very neighbors! Last semester, I joined the Board of Directors who were the 2010 founders of the Leadership Training Institute. It was so exciting to be a part of something that had been developed from an idea YeSeul had during finals week because she didnt feel like studying. (I highly dont recommend this though. It doesnt work for everyone.) YeSeul Yes, please study for finals! Back to LTI I dont know if you watched Oprah Winfreys new TV show called the Big Give, but thats the kind of mission LTI is on. LTI strives to instill in our students the four cornerstones of the program: charisma, knowledge, teamwork, and self-reflection. Throughout the program, students develop their own community service to address an issue they perceive in their own communities. LTI then funds their endeavors and supplies them with necessary contacts and resources. Anne Thanks to many MIT students and support from MIT administrators, LTI has moved on from a vision into reality. Last summer, we tested our curriculum through MITs Educational Studies Program: High School Summer Program. Oversubscribed, the program received great interest and feedback from the students. Last semester, we worked hard: having weekly late-night meetings in the study rooms of Baker House, scribbling and idea here, sketching a sweet LTI logo there, coming up with a potential new addition to the curriculum there thought mazes galore would appear on the dry erase board as seven eager and active minds pieced together the skeleton of this mentorship program. From publicity to recruitment, curriculum development to finance, all the aspects of any fully functional and self-sufficient program had to be organized and taken care of. Now, in March, just shy of a year since this program was just an idea, the program is in full swing. YeSeul Today, there is a Board of Directors, five committees, and eight mentors, bringing the total of those involved in LTI to about 20 people. And to think that this program began less than a year ago! The coolest part is that most of our members are freshmen. And you could be the next generation! We are hoping to expand to other college campuses by 2010. This summer, LTI is going global! Semmie (Associate Director), Sarah (Publicity Director), and I are traveling to Mexico this summer through MISTI-Mexico to teach underprivileged youth our leadership curriculum and hopefully create a sustainable partnership between LTI and Casa-Telmex. I will also be traveling to China later in the summer to teach high school Chinese students about leadership through another brand-new program called the China Development Initiative. Anne Theres a lot to do at MIT. In fact, your biggest problem might be deciding which of the hundreds of activities to join once you come to MIT. If you are a high school student who currently lives around the Boston area, shoot us an email at [emailprotected] to see if you are eligible to join us in the fall or get involved somehow. If you are in the Class of 2012, I highly encourage you to check us out at CPW in either the CPW Activities Midway Fair or attend our Info Session on Friday from 4 5 PM in Room 4-145. Keep an eye out for our recruitment emails in the fall. Be a part of our LTI community! YeSeul And you can always visit our website for more information. Anne See you guys during CPW! Dont leave without trying the liquid nitrogen ice cream!! YeSeul Kim, 10 [emailprotected] Anne Shen, 11 [emailprotected]
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Movie Analysis Zootopia Essay - 1342 Words
The film â€Å"Zootopia†is a film about not giving up and demonstrations several significant sociological concepts. The main character of the film is a tiny bunny called Judy Hopps. Judy has huge dreams of becoming the first bunny police officer and working in the great city of Zootopia. Although Judy fails multiple times and also comes to be discouraged by many people, she doesn’t let them get her down. Throughout the film, Judy takes on an important mystery case and encounters characters such as a sly fox, a sweet sheep, and a couple of Otters that help and also hold her back from solving the case. Though she comes across many setbacks, Judy fulfills her dream of becoming the first bunny police officer and solves a major mystery case to save Zootopia. This film displays many sociological themes including cultural shock, role-taking, achieved statuses, emotional work, deviance, and discrimination. Concept application- One of the first concepts seen within the movie is the concept of Cultural shock. Culture shock is â€Å"the strain that people from one culture experience when they must reorient themselves to the ways of a new culture†(Ferrante, 2014, p.58). Judy experienced cultural shock when she traveled to Zootopia to fulfill her dream of becoming the first bunny police officer. Judy grew up in a very small town with her family. She had always dreamed of moving to the large city of Zootoopia to start her career as a police officer. Though she thought that Zootopia would beShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Zootopia 809 Words  | 4 PagesAlexandria Lara Theater 7B Professor Foster 6 December 2016 Zootopia    The animated movie, Zootopia, is about an unlikely partnership between Judy Hopps who is rabbit police officer and Nick Wilde who is a red fox as well as a con artist. In the beginning of the film, it shows Judy as a young bunny and then progresses to when she’s older and has fulfilled her dream of becoming the first rabbit police officer in Zootopia. On her first day of the job, she was assigned to parking duty despite beingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Zootopia902 Words  | 4 PagesHernandez 24 October 2017 Comp. 1 5th Hour Movie Review Zootopia Judy Hopps, also known as Ginnifer Goodwin, is a fictional character in the movie Zootopia. Zootopia is an action packed animated film that came out on March 4, 2016. All of the characters in the movie are anthropomorphic, which means they are all animals that have human characteristics. The movie is about a young rabbit named Judy Hopps who wants to become the first bunny cop in Zootopia. Zootopia is a large city where predator andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Zootopia871 Words  | 4 PagesAfter watching the movie Zootopia, it is evident that there is a sociological aspect to it as it contains a lot of stereotypes, social control, discrimination and prejudice. The movie illustrates many of the social challenges people face in society today, from how tiny bunny Judy Hopps is perceived as weak and useless, to the way her fox friend, Nick Wilde, is initially portrayed as devious and sly. However, this motion picture is not only about the problems often seen throughout the real world,Read MoreZootopia And Maltese Falcon Analysis743 Words  | 3 Pagescomes to mind when mentioned. Every person in this world has a stereotype either positive or negative associated with them from sexual orientation to race to age. However, in most cases this is not true whatsoever. Through the analysis of Hall, Dyer, and the films Zootopia and Maltese Falcon it will be shown that stereotypes are ever changing and are producing the social norms while at the same time are being rammed down your throat and reinforced through films. The author Stuart Hall has a ideologyRead MoreZootopia Film Analysis1765 Words  | 8 Pages â€Æ' Leadership Film Analysis Disney’s Zootopia is a great depiction of James Kouzes’s and Barry Posner’s Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. The main protagonist, Judy Hopps, exemplifies those practices - model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. The first practice is model the way. According to Kouzes and Posner (2014), in order to model the way a leader must â€Å"clarify values by finding your voice and affirming shared values†Read MoreCritical Analysis : Transactional Analysis1193 Words  | 5 PagesKing Julien, Bellwether, and Bruce were some of the lower scoring leaders when it came to the trait approach analysis. Transactional Analysis may be another way to measure success in leadership as is trait approach. Animal leaders that tend to shift back and forth between ego states tend to have poor leadership outcomes. If we look again at Dory, Judy, and Skipper we don’t see very many or very dramatic shifts out their adult rational ego state. The traits that correlate with the shifting betweenRead MoreStrategic Planning : Walt Disney1592 Words  | 7 PagesMGT411 Strategic Planning Walt Disney Company Strategic Analysis Patten University Disney, Yesterday and Today The Walt Disney Company was formed in 1923 as the Disney Brother Cartoon Studio with Walt and Roy Disney. With the start of Alice Wonderland series, Walt Disney would start a company that would go on to become legend. A staple for all things animation and the standard in which the industry models itself the Disney Company went on to create ground breaking milestones in animation and allRead MoreThe Colonialism Of The Walt Disney Company1571 Words  | 7 Pagescountry, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically,†and Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s defines colonialism as, â€Å"a practice of domination, which involves the subjugation of one people to another.†My case study is the Disney movie, Moana. I am focusing on Moana because it is the most recent Disney animated film about an indigenous culture. Moana is centered in an unknown Polynesian land before Western colonization and focuses on the chief’s daughter, Moana on the island of MotuniRead MoreErm Research Report On Walt Disney Company Essay1585 Words  | 7 Pagesengaging physical products and digital experiences, inspiring the imaginations of the young and young at heart. II. SWAT Analysis STRENGTHS Strong Brand Effect Diversified Business Stable Market Range WEAKNESSES Missed the Online Market Copy Right Management Foreign Laws and Regulations OPPORTUNITIES Extend Disney Business to Developing Countries Development of Data Analysis Digital Age THREATS Strong Competitors Changes in Economic conditions Changes of Technology 1. Strengths a. StrongRead MoreThe Disney Company : A Giant Of The World Of Media And Entertainment Essay1792 Words  | 8 Pages The quarterly earnings data shows a positive momentum and increased profits during the period beginning June 27, 2015 and ending July 2, 2016. In 2016, the Disney Company forecasts even greater earnings and growth based on the current market analysis and financial forecasts. Disney Quarterly Earnings The following table summarizes the third quarter and nine-month results for fiscal 2016 and 2015 (in millions, except per share amounts): Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended July 2, 2016 June
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis Of Margaret Atwood s The Handmaids Tale
avin Priest Interpretation of Literature Emily Mester 23 February 2016 Gilead: A Harsh Reality We have seen it before. We have witnessed the corruption of governments before even if we didn’t even realize it. From communism to democracy, world wars to civil wars, genocides to religious upraises, government involvement has always been silently exalted. In Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaids Tale’, we see the fear of the Gileadian society caused by a rà ©gime government who practices its inhumane beliefs through everyday life in Gilead. The uses of military corruption, fear, and oppression are things that describe the everyday life of the defenseless citizens of this totalitarianism government. One of the idea’s that is clearly shown throughout the novel is the disaster of military corruption. Gilead is running off the military, which doesn’t always play by the rules of a fairness military. One of the main characters, who is called presumably called Fred, is a perfect example of a corrupt military leader. Fred, bette r known as â€Å"The Commander†elucidates his part of being a tyrant in the novel by revealing his uncertainty towards the citizens of Gilead. His doubtfulness starts early when he states â€Å"Something has been shown to me, but what is it? Like the flag of an unknown country, seen for an instant above a curve of hill. It could mean attack, it could mean parley, it could mean the edge of something, a territory†(Atwood 49). The word choices Atwood uses right here show theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1401 Words  | 6 Pagesand psychologists, but surprisingly, a writer - Margaret Atwood has successfully described if not answer the issue of independence and passivity in The Handmaid’s Tale. A dystopian novel set in the post-apocalyptic America now so-called Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian government. With the critically low reproduction rates due to biological warfare, the Handmaids are allocated to give births within the oppressive regime. The story of the Handmaids has clarified the definition of freewill and independenceRead MoreAnalysis Of Margaret Atwood s The Handmaid s Tale1825 Words  | 8 PagesIn Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, we meet Offred, or so they call her, a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead, a futuristic dystopian society. Gilead tarnished traditional values and replaced them with shear corruption after the rebels killed the President as well as most of Congress, took over the government, and decided to throw out the constitution. Instead the society relies on the bible to justify its barbaric rules, limitations and practices. In a totalitarian society of decreasing birthRead MoreAnalysis Of Margaret Atwood s The Handmaid s Tale847 Words  | 4 Pagesincessant restrictions are for their own good. No restrictions are more stringent than those bestowed on the women, and more specifically, the handmaids. Although, Gilead claims to be built on a princip al set of values, its principles are ignored and challenged to ensure everything runs smoothly in the eyes of Gilead’s patriarchy. In Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, the Republic of Gilead, a corrupt government adamant on supporting a better way of life for females, undermines their very own beliefsRead MoreAnalysis Of Margaret Atwood s The Handmaid s Tale843 Words  | 4 PagesUnorthodox Characters â€Å"I feel thankful to her. She has died that I may live. I will mourn later†(Atwood 286). Many sacrifices and hard decisions are made by unorthodox people to keep what they believe in alive. There would be no rebellions and no change without these nonconforming people. Offred, the main character and a Handmaiden, would have faced eminent death in her strictly orthodox world had it not been for the rebelliousness of those who died before her wanting change. The Republic ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Margaret Atwood s The Handmaid s Tale Essay1623 Words  | 7 Pagesthe id, ego, and superego. When examined using this theory, Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, a dystopian novel about a patriarchal totalitarian government that has replaced the United States of America, is particularly interesting. The story’s protagonist and narrator is a woman referred to as Offred, who lives in the fairly new Republic of Gilead which has taken the place of the United States. She is what is known as a Handmaid; alarmingly low reproductive rates led to young women whomRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Atwood And Sylvia Plath s The Handmaid s Tale, And Moira Of Margaret Atwood1905 Words  | 8 Pagesis in this despondent frame of mind, the woman of Sylvia Plath’s poem, Edge, and Moira of Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaids Tale, find themselves accepting their condemnation as their destiny. Both Margaret Atwood and Sylvia Plath use their works as emotional outlets to express the hopeless disposition one comes to embrace having reached the point of exhaustion. Together, Moira from The Handmaid’s Tale and the â€Å"perfected woman†from Edge exemplify the quality of life or lack thereof, one isRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1249 Words  | 5 PagesDystopian Research Essay: The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood In the words of Erika Gottlieb With control of the past comes domination of the future. A dystopia reflects and discusses major tendencies in contemporary society. The Handmaid s Tale is a dystopian novel written by Margaret Atwood in 1985. The novel follows its protagonist Offred as she lives in a society focused on physical and spiritual oppression of the female identity. Within The Handmaid s Tale it is evident that through the explorationRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale, By Margaret Atwood1629 Words  | 7 Pages Atwood s novel, The Handmaid s Tale depicts a not too futuristic society of Gilead, a society that overthrows the U.S. Government and institutes a totalitarian regime that seems to persecute women specifically. Told from the main character s point of view, Offred, explains the Gilead regime and its patriarchal views on some women, known as the handmaids, to a purely procreational function. The story is set the present tense in Gilead but frequently shifts to flashbacks in her time at the RedRead MoreMargaret Atwood s The Handmaid s Tale931 Words  | 4 Pagesthe concept of gender becoming a multi- layered shifting hypothesis to which society is adapting. Since the 19th-century, philosophers and theorists have continued to scrutinize gender beyond biological and social interpretation. Margaret Atwood s The Handmaid s Tale captures the limitations and social implications forced upon a set gender based on societal expectations. Gender is a social construct that limits the individua l to the restrictions and traditions of a society, or if it’s an individuallyRead MoreThe Reconstruction Of Power By Margaret Atwood943 Words  | 4 PagesHaley Hollimon LTC Bozeman EN 102, L19 3 February 2015 The Reconstruction of Power Throughout The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood utilizes various elements of fiction to develop and question the concept of power and control in the patriarchal society of Gilead. Offred, the main Handmaid, is the instrument of which Atwood delivers her message about corruption and power. Offred’s vague diction, unreliable characterization, and erratic tone illustrate the distress of this transitional society (Abcarian
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
World Religions Paper Free Essays
World Religion Paper (Rough Draft) By: Allison Workman The religion that I have chosen for my report is Wicca. Wicca is the religion of Witchcraft also referred to as the Craft. There are many myths that are associated with the Wiccan religion. We will write a custom essay sample on World Religions Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Witches do not perform ride brooms and they are not â€Å"bad or scary†people. In fact most witches are normal people we come in contact with every day. I have learned many interesting facts in my weeks researching this religion. At this time my site visit and interview have not been completed due to family medical problems with my source. However, the interview and site visit are both scheduled for April 3, 2011 I will attempt to submit a summary of those by mid week next week for review. Compare and Contrast Wicca and Christianity are actually quite similar in many ways. However, there are vast differences in the beliefs of the parties as well. Both Christianity and Wicca have a symbol that is prominent within the religion. Christians have the cross that represents the death of Jesus to wash away the sins of mankind. Wicca’s symbol is the pentagram. Despite the reports to the contrary the pentagram is not the symbol of a Satanist; in fact Satan does not even exist in the Wiccan culture. The pentagram is the symbol of the four elements (water, air, fire, earth) and the sprit which draws them all together. Both religions have groups that worship together. Christians call these congregations and they usually meet in a Church. When a group of witches gather to worship the group is referred to as a Coven and they generally practice outdoors though not always. Some Covens will gather at the home of the High Priestess to worship. Meeting places will differ from Coven to Coven. Many of the Ethical and Social views of these religions are similar as well. The Wiccan Rede is â€Å"If it harms none, do what you will†. Christians generally try to live by the Golden Rule. â€Å"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you†. These two phrases have a similar meaning. Both religions believe that women and men are equal in value as human beings. Both religions also accept women in secular leadership roles. All Wiccan religious groups believe that women should hold religious leadership roles as well; some denominations of the Christian faiths are accepting of this, but others still believe that men should be the religious leader of the family/church. The number of differences between these two groups is much larger that the similarities. One of the most notable is that Christianity is a monotheistic religion and Wicca is a polytheistic religion. While Christians worship God. The Wiccans worship the God and Goddess simultaneously. The Wiccan religion is all about balabance so the worship of the God and the Goddess signifies the balance, though the primary focus to a witch is the goddess. Witches accept homosexuality completely where Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin. Christians worship every Sunday and Witches worship on the 13 full moons of the years and also perform rituals on the Sabbats. How to cite World Religions Paper, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Descriptive Analysis and Scatter Diagram of RR and GR
Questions: (a) Provide a descriptive analysis of the two variables (e.g., mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum)? (b) Develop a scatter diagram with retention rate as the independent variable. What does the scatter diagram indicate about the relationship between the two variables? (c) Develop and estimate a regression equation that can be used to predict the graduation rate (%) given the retention rate (%)? (d) State the estimated regression equation and interpret the meaning of the slope coefficient?(e) Is there a statistically significant association between graduation rate (%) and retention rate (%). What is your conclusion? (f) Did the regression equation provide a good fit? Explain? (g) Suppose you were the president of South University. After reviewing the results, would you have any concerns about the performance of your university compared to other online universities? (h) Suppose you were the president of the University of Phoenix. After reviewing the results, would you have any concerns about the performance of your university compared to other online universities? Answers: Purpose The purpose behind this study to analyze the data and find the correlation among the retention rate (%) and the graduation rate (%) for 29 online colleges in the United States. This correlation can be seen via use of methodologies like regression analysis and the scatter diagram formation. In this task we have used descriptive analysis along with these methodologies so as to find out the performance of web-based universities / colleges. Background The Online Education System is at its central part what provoked technical developments in e-books, knowledge Management and knowledge Record administration (Dweck, 1990). These arrangements facilitate students to utilize the substance from everywhere with access to the internet. Online system of teaching is a alike way used by the institutes and colleges, which assists in understanding and attaining understanding exclusive of presence in the classes. This education system needs no physical classes attendance and so saves time. These way students can use their time and study as per their convenience. The aim of online education system is to make the students self-sufficient with the web-based journals and articles. This kind of education approach was initiated by U.S with the emergence of internet and has been adopted all over the World (Phipps and Merisotis, 1999, April). Graduation rate It is defined as the grouping of the institutes where initially, 1st year student who productively were able to complete their courses in 150 % of the whole agreed time granted for the selected course. Retention rate It is termed as the category of the institutions where 1st time, 1st year undergraduate students who are interested in proceedind with their studies at the university for the coming session. Method Variables As discussed above, we have considered 2 variables for the study, namely- retention rate (RR) graduation rate (GR). These variables have been used for 29 universities in US for the online courses. These variables are based on the survey to find out the value and contribution of a particular college/ institute. Statistical Analysis:- We can find out the mean (average), standard deviation for the two variables (RR and GR). This would enhance the value of the analysis we have performed. The scatter diagram has been utilized to reflect the correlation among the 2 variables, and also the estimated value of regression equation has been applied. The P value is on 0.05% level of significance to settle on the correlation among Retention rate (RR) with Graduation Rate (GR). The variables relationship can be depicted by use of excel sheets as well. Results a). Descriptive Analysis We have the data for 29 universities offering online courses. This data is w.r.t Retention rate and the Graduation rate. In the first step, we have assessed the mean and Standard Deviation for the data given. Table (i) Variables Mean (Average) Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum Retention Rate 57.41% 23.24% 4% 100% Graduation Rate 41.76% 9.87% 25% 61% Retention rate (RR) In the table (i) above, Mean has been 57.41 for Retention rate (RR) which means that approx 57% students have been part of the online education system .e. are enrolled and are students in the given 29 online universities in USA. The standard deviation for Retention rate is 23.84 % with the highest level of RR as 100% and the lowest of RR as 4% that means there has been a broad range of data distribution. Graduation Rate (GR) The mean has been 41.76 for the Graduation Rate (GR), which reflects that approximately 42% of the students were able to finish the graduation within the 150% of the allotted time. The standard deviation for Graduation rate (GR) is approx 10 % with the highest level of GR as 61% and the lowest of GR as 25% that means there has been an intermediate range of data distribution. b). Scatter Diagram of Retention Rate and Graduation Rate: In the Diagram (a) below i.e. Scatter diagram for RR and GR, there is a robust positive correlation among these 2 variables. There has been an increase in the two variables simultaneously, reflecting a positive relation among them. It means Retention Rate has a positive impact on the Growth Rate. Diagram (a)- Scatter Diagram for RR and GR Source: Own study (c) Simple linear regression equation is utilised to articulate the value of Y on specified value of X. consistent with diagram (a), we attain the equation in scatter chart that makes clear that the slope coefficient is depicted prior to intercept. With the intention of settling on the value of (Y) on (X), the equation specified underneath can be utilized: ÃÅ'‚Yi = bo + b1Xi Where, Yi= Predicted GR b0= Intercept b1Xi=Slope Coefficient Here, with the above equation the Y value is capable of being determined by the specific value of X. For instance if the X value is 85 % in that case the expected Graduation Rate(GR) will be: Y = 25.423 + 0.2845 X = 25.423 + 0.2845 (85) = 25.423 + 24.18 = ~49.6% The forecasted Y value demonstrates that in case the Retention rate (RR) will be 85 % in that case the Graduation Rate(GR) will be approximately 50%. That depicts, if 85 % undergraduates study with the graduation grade only 50 % students will attain/finish the degree in the duration of the course i.e. 3-4 years or within 150% of the duration i.e. 5-6 years. (d) Estimation of regression equation and interpretation of slope coefficient Table (ii) Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.67 R Square 0.45 Adjusted R Square 0.43 Standard Error 7.46 Observations 29 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Intercept 25.42 3.75 6.79 0.00 17.74 33.11 RR(%) 28% 6% 4.69 0% 16% 41% Regression equation is Y = o + 1 x + r Intercept coefficient In the table (ii) above, there has been a steady transform of 25.42 in the GR which is not as a consequence of RR. Slope coefficient It intricate the type of transform that is to Y due to the changes in values of X. As observed in table (ii) the rate of slope coefficient is 28%. This implies that an average of 28 % of undergraduates finishing the graduation can be assured by the 1 unit augment in the percentage of students getting enrolled. Residual or r It is the variation among recorded value and estimated value of dependent variables. Herein, the observation of standard residual depicts that the score is +3 further lesser than -3 is well thought-out to be outliners although there have been no outliners. (e) The association between GR RR The value of intercept and Retention Rate in regression scrutiny is 0. therefore we can conclude one thing concerning RR-that there is a well-built association among (Retention Rate and Growth Rate. then again augment in students getting enrolled will augment in the number of students turning to graduates as well. (f) Is that Regression Equation provides a good fit? For regression model a good fit is achieved by the value of R2. In the diagram above, for the scatter diagram, Regression analysis depicts the value of R2 as 45% i.e. the variance or difference in regression for Graduation Rate for the 29 online universities. This equation is a good fit, since 45% can be considered as a high value. (g) Performance of South University compared to other online universities and Presidents Concern The Retention Rate for the South University stated is 51%, which means its approximately 6.5% less than the Mean Retention Rate (57.41%) for the 29 web based universities. on the other hand the Graduation Rate of the South universities is barely 25%, this demonstrates that the number of undergraduates finishing their graduation as of south university is negligible. The Retention Rate of south universities is 51% . Consequently this immense variation in the Retention Rate and Graduation Rate of the South universities generates a pitiable representation of the south universities regarding repute and excellence. The assessed Graduation Rate is 40 %, which is extremely small in comparison to other universities. on the other hand, with the intention of developing the Graduation Rate repute of the university admission eligibility standards excellence of schooling have to be paid attention to. (h) Performance of University of Phoenix compared to other online universities and President Concern The University of Pheonix has a extremely small Retention Rate i.e 4 % and smallest Graduation Rate which is 28 %. mutually these values are below standard w.r.t other universities. As I am the President, so the enrolment percentage is a cause of worry for me, since its also the bare minimum. In order to make these 2 variables better I need to consider some well planned strategy as well as improve on the policies for admission of students. The quality of education can be enhanced by employing a good, experienced and knowledgeable faculty. In case there is a need for revision of the content of the courses, it should also be done. The better the marketing strategies, higher will be the number of enrolments, and better the quality of education, higher will be the graduation rate. Discussions The Mean Graduation Rate=42% and Mean Retention Rate= 57%. As the data is broad, so the Retention Rates standard deviation is quite elevated. Graduation Rates deviation is merely 10%. There have been dropouts, leading to lower GR and RR. There have been cases wherein students leave the online courses and join regular institutes, or leave the courses in between. However, The analysis for regression has been depicting intercept at 25% depicting that the movement in Graduation Rate is not standard retention or at the time the retention is null. These variations are owing to diverse causes for instance low cost, first-class students etc. Recommendation: Online System of education gives the freedom to the understudies, yet occasionally understudies exploit the freedom therefore there ought to be a fitting check on the understudies by their professors (Roblyer and Edwards, 2000). All the online colleges ought to keep up their standard regarding training material a framework, superior instruction to the understudies. It has been observed that great and prepared staffs ought to dependably be able to guide students and make them comprehend the real issue, so that inevitably they can discover the arrangement all alone and turn into self-sufficient ones. The charges composition ought to be kept exceptionally moderate and available for all the levels of understudies present in the general public. Students ought to be permitted to view and listen in all the live addresses at some occasions (Newby et al. 2000). The marketing technique also needs to be god, so as to increase the number of enrolments to the university. And the fees structure should be kept very affordable and accessible for all the levels of students present in the society. References Dweck, C. S. (1990). Self-theories and goals: Their role in motivation, personality, and development. Paper presented at the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Lincoln Newby, T. J., Stepich, D. A., Lehman, J. D., Russell, J. D. (2000). Instruction technology for teaching and learning. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. Phipps, R., Merisotis, J. P. (1999, April). Whats the Difference? A review of contemporary research on the effectiveness of distance learning in higher education. Washington, DC: The Institute for Higher Education Policy. Roblyer, M. D., Edwards, J. (2000). Integrating educational technology into teaching (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.
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